Friday, 1 February 2019

Global Monitoring Plan for POPs

I am pretty sure most of you would think this is something related to music,,,,, well, it is not!
In this case, the acronym POPs stands for "Persistent Organic Pollutants"- just as the name implies, these pollutants are very persistent (they never give up), they are organic (derived from living matter and also denotes a relation between elements such that they fit  together harmoniously as parts of a  whole) and they cause harm to humans and the environment at large. 
POPs are a group of organochlorine chemicals that are widely used as pesticides, raw materials by industries, or generated unintentionally as by-products of various industrial/combustion processes
Below are a few characteristics of POPs;
  • They are bio-accumulative i.e they are survive in a living matter for a long period of time and are bio-magnificent;
  • They can travel a long distance i.e POPs may released somewhere in Nigeria but their effects can be seen in Croatia (butterfly effects).
  • they are resistant to bio-degradation
  • Toxic effects to humans and the environment. 
I will still give more information about POPS but for now, the Global Monitoring Plan(GMP) was conducted using different environmental matrices which includes water, air and soil. Pictures of the water collection from the confluence in Lokoja, Kogi state are below;

wild catfish


More info on POPs and the bodies responsible for the monitoring, elimination and reduction in use will of POPs will be uploaded in the nearest future.......... winks* 

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Improving Mental performance with Dan Murray Serter.

Out of a negative situation came a positive innovation- Dan's quest to improve the Human Brain came to life. I am sure you all would be buried in thoughts with a lot of question like "how is he going to do this?", "what is this about?" and all..... It will interest you all to know that Dan intends to do this by just producing food supplements that can be taken routinely which will help improve mental health and performance over a period of time.

Dan Murray Serter 
Co- Founder of Dawn (a Human Potential company)
A graduate of English and Art history and a master degree holder in marketing 

Dan Murray 's inspiration came after he went vegan for 9 months and suffered from short term memory issues. 
 I suffered short-term memory issues and was given a book by a friend titled "Optimum Nutrition"- It recommended fish, eggs, seeds, nuts and a bunch of supplements. I adhered to the advice and recovered in 2 weeks but ever since then, I have been so fascinated by supplements and brain health/diets. That has been my journey ever since. To be honest, I was so engrossed in everything I was learning and so passionate about what could be built. I just spent my time excited about the future and enjoying all the reading, learning and testing I was doing. I went to California for a month to do research, learned a lot there and also did a medication retreat, etc.
However, like every other entrepreneur out there, he had to shut down his last company and let go of about 20 people while all that was going on which was indeed a challenging time for him. Today, Dan Murray's supplements are in the production phase and will soon hit the market.

More pictures of Dan Murray Serter below;

For more information about Dawn, visit the website below;