Years ago, it was just a night club where all the cool kids of Abuja party, today, we can rightly say that the PLAY brand has now metamorphosed into a conglomerate- they have a fashion line, a whiskey bar called Thomas & Ray and they also run a multidisciplinary network of young professionals and entrepreneurs called the Play Network which deals in business and lifestyle networking.
However, our focus for now is on their fashion line called "Play Apparels". The uniqueness of their style and the quality is the best part of the entire brand. We were opportune to be at the "fashion night out" event hosted by them and it was mind blowing as other young fashion entrepreneurs had their designs displayed. The best part of shopping at SHOP & PLAY is the fact that you do not just get to buy only play apparels but designs from other renowned fashion brands as well.
For more information about play apparels, do visit;
We were privileged take some pictures, we hope you get captivated by them.
Belios couture- check out her signature top
Style by YOUDII
Orange Couture
Display by GEMS FOR LISA
shoes by shop & play
Victoria Kalulani
Play apparels
Vivian's Icon
Gems for Lisa
If you are a newbie and you are looking for where to shop for some of the best brands, visit SHOP & PLAY!
Way to go darl. Amazing work you doing on here xxx